Monday, November 7, 2016

Week 6 EOC: Marijuana in the workplace

As a business owner I would have zero tolerance for the use of marijuana in the work place. A job requires that you are fully capable of carrying out duties and responsibilities on a daily basis. That includes handling cash, interacting with customers, operating a POS system. If you show up to work high and are unable to effectively carry out those duties, you have no business working in my store.

The Food and Drug Administration classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug, defined as the most dangerous of all drug schedules, with “no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.”

As a business professional working in the fashion industry you are required to maintain a polished appearance in the workplace at all times. If you are high you and display any of the following physical effects, it would be cause for dismissal. According to WebMD the physical effects of marijuana include:
dizziness, shallow breathing, red eyes and dilated pupils, dry mouth, increased appetite, slowed reaction time (If you drive after using marijuana, your risk of being in a car accident more than doubles.)

Because there are so many different ways to use marijuana and some are undetectable physically. It would be a policy at my store to do random drug testing. Even if my store was located in a state where marijuana was made legal, it is still my right as the employer to enforce company policy.
Most of the time after being hired an employer requires reasonable suspicion before having an employee take a drug test. Even with the recent legalization of marijuana in some states, employees in those states can still be punished for testing positive. The punishments for a failed drug test can include rehabilitation, termination, and losing unemployment benefits.

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